Sunday, July 28, 2013

There Is Some Thing We Cannot See

By every one's perspective
There is some thing we cannot see
Everyone Knows its greatness
To be greater than words
And every one interprets it differently
One may believe intensely in it
Or brush it aside
They may call it god
They may call it alien
The great Knowledge
Some respect it
Others worship it
Some seek its power
Still others deny it
Everyone Knows its greatness
To be greater than words
By every one's perspective
There is some thing we cannot see

the scope

an endless black hole for a pupil
surrounded by a fiery yellow sun
and waves of blue sky in a circle
upon close inspection can be seen
scattered red branches stretched long, like veins
all in an opalescent-white orb
and with her identical sister
they narrowed in a certain, clear way
opening to everything

Friday, July 26, 2013

An Exerpt from the Diary of July 26

Why do I miss you, constantly
What is it that makes me lust?
You are not ideal in any form-
But for the fact that I love you.

I will post more personal and provocative entries when there are enough comments, traffic, and requests to merit sharing the deeper confines of my journal.  There will be no supply without demand ;)

Friday, July 19, 2013


To be plagued by current affairs
is remembering the inescapable harshness of reality
We do not live in a simple world.
The tactics of mass control
are chaotically argued
as a great population
is thrown into
and rebellion.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

from the deprived eye

I wonder how I will die.  Unfathomable patterns of science make death and everything seem to be just random consequences.  I could be hit by a meteor, or a bus, or catch a nasty infection from which my body cannot recover.

Accepting consequence as arbitrary
from the deprived eye
is believing conscious state to be greater
than a perfect immeasurable equation.

7.16 Why would I leave such a place

Several comfortable weeks of a comfortable home, work environment, and local-ish sexual satisfaction has this town feeling somehow new.  Again.

Why would I leave such a place?

Well, I believe, because of that question.  There must be something dreams are whispering it to me.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Power is a Black Hole

one by one we are relieved
squeezed dry, distracted in the cracks
Power pillaged into a Black Hole
where neither those who control it, nor we
are safe